Rose Curves

(A form of Punishment that's part of the Polar Graphing Posse)


Basic Equation for Rose Curves:

r = a(cos(nØ))

r = a(sin(nØ))



Petal Determination

(If n is a whole number > 1)

n Petals if n is ODD

2n Petals if n is EVEN

More Rose Curves




We have nothing more to say.

We know nada about nada, all for nada.



The Devil and Jamie.



This Torture was Inflicted upon:

Ricky Ansley

Jennifer Elliott

Sarah Wallish


By Thomas Ledvorowski

4943 Timber Farm

San Antonio, Texas 78250


Call and bother him. He deserves it, trust me.



Jennifer's Homepage All About the History of Cheese

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